Actually that's me. Wish i was paying attention in lessons more so i could be the most dangerou-, i mean the best wizard *coughs*

We're glad that we live into a magical world. But we don't do what is necessary.
Spells are good, creatures that we would never imagine they exist are phenomenal. But what about... what there should be existed ?


There should be an infinity chocolate fountain in Hogwarts !

No matter how much you would eat, it would never run out. I'm sure i speak for most of us. And in all honestly, chocolate is the answer for many problems. You got bad grades ? Eat chocolate ! You forgot your wand during a charm lesson ? Eat chocolate ! Your girlfriend left you ? Eat her chocolate !

As wizards we have a more luxury life than muggles. That's because we can bring objects close to us, make things fly... but what if we can appear what we want ?

Imagine you need something. Like a feather to write on your parchement and you don't have any. With a specific skill what if you can bring that to life, any time you want ?
Keep in mind it can be everything. Even... even a pizza !!!


That's all, ladies and gentlemen !
I hope you enjoyed by blog and don't forget to leave your thoughts below. Or a phoenix. Please, someone give me a phoenix already *le cries*