Wizard Cards
Trading Post

Issue #66


by Max Paige

This week we will be featuring Otis Jackson, a third-year Lion!


Do you want your own wizarding card? Send me an owl! Here's what you need to include in that owl:

- Your WOP Name and House

- An image of you (Doesn't have to be your profile picture)

A brief (3 or 4 lines) biography blurb

Remember that your image cannot be taken straight from the movie itself. Also bonus points if you give me a gif with the face moving! Just like the real wizarding cards!


This Edition's Wizarding Cards

Otis Jackson

Born in Scotland, he is the oldest of four siblings, two sisters and one other brother. Along with their parents, they are a family of Purebloods. Before getting accepted into The Castle, Otis’s first accidental magic memory was when he was sent to clean his room, and had accidentally knocked over a vase, he recalled his father yelling the word, Reparo somewhere in another room. Curiously, Otis said that word, and almost immediately his vase fixed itself.

coded by Issie
