Easter edition
Easter! The best excuse to stuff your face full of candy without anyone judging you! DIY’s the best excuse for trying something new! (And in my case also completely failing) So, speaking of candy, DIY’s and Easter of course, I’ve put together a little do it yourself list of absolutely AMAZING Harry Potter sweets.

- From : Harper Collins

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Violet Jackson

Violet Jackson Awesome, will definitely attempt (notice that I say 'attempt' ;D) these recipes.

Harper Collins

Harper Collins Such a great blog, Ellie. Well done, I'm proud of you <3

Chloe Lovegood

Chloe Lovegood Amazing <3

Sunny Gem

Sunny Gem The "Harry Potter treacle tart" looks amazing! Awesome job Ellie<3

Lysander Crane

Lysander Crane Pudding and butterbeer :D

Lexie Clearwater

Lexie Clearwater well done Ellie. I'm making butterbeer for sure!

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